
The marketing major at bc菠菜导航 prepares you for a successful career in the dynamic and exciting world of marketing by offering you the opportunity to design through consultation with an assigned faculty advisor, an individualized specialization that meets the student's educational goals.


  • 企业营销
  • 国际营销
  • 广告
  • 零售管理
  • 非营利组织和服务营销
  • 市场营销研究
  • bc菠菜导航销售和销售管理
  • 一般的营销
  • 分销管理
  • 品牌管理
  • 特许经营管理
  • 创业
  • 采购管理
  • 公共关系

Tailor-made specializations are always available to the marketing major.


学生 interested in business marketing can obtain a career in sales, 服务, 产品设计, 市场调研或其他职位之一. 通常技术背景是有益的. These positions provide marketing 服务s from one business to another business. 


  • 企业营销 is the marketing of 产品s and 服务s to organizations (manufacturers, 政府, 学校, 农业, 军事, 卫生保健, 银行, 和机构)而不是家庭, 或者是最终消费者
  • 企业营销 is the largest market of all; the dollar volume of transactions significantly exceeds that of the consumer market
  • 商业营销人员试图了解需求, 预期, and motivations of individuals within organizations that make and influence purchasing decisions


More and more companies are realizing that, simply to survive, they must compete worldwide. U.S. firms increase their international scope, they need people who are familiar with foreign cultures. 愿意出差的学生, or relocate in foreign cities are valuable resources to global oriented companies.


  • 国际营销 is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of a company's goods and 服务s to consumers or organizations in more than one country.
  • 国际营销人员对文化很了解, 历史, 地理位置, 人口统计资料, 世界市场潜力, 全球经济和社会趋势.


There are 100's of career opportunities available in advertising. 然而,就业机会的竞争非常激烈. Often a background in English, journalism, or psychology is beneficial. Copywriting, media buying, and client relationships are examples of advertising-related positions. 广告 sales is an entry-level position that many marketing graduates select as a first step toward building a track record in the field. 


  • 广告 is any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, 产品, 服务, 或者由一个确定的赞助者提出的想法
  • 广告和电视一样,与大众传媒结合在一起, 广播, 互联网, 杂志, 报纸, 直接邮件, 以及户外展示
  • 广告 efforts can vary from seeking an immediate response to developing awareness to building a positive image


Retailing provides graduates with an early opportunity to experience marketing responsibilities. Retail personnel manage the sales force and other personnel, 选择和订购商品, 并负责促销活动, 库存控制, 存储安全, 和会计.  大型零售商店有各种各样的位置, 包括部门经理, 买家, 和店长. In some small retail establishments, one manager may perform several different marketing activities.


  • 零售管理 consists of all activities involved in the sale of goods and 服务s to the ultimate consumer
  • 零售管理涉及特许经营, 零售业中增长最快的部分之一, which accounts for more than one-third of all retail sales
  • 零售管理 positions tend to offer lower than average starting salaries - but they often provide opportunities for very rapid career advancement


市场营销 is currently attracting the interest of nonprofit organizations such as colleges, 卫生保健设施, 执法, 博物馆, 和交响乐. Many of the marketing concepts previously applied by profit-seeking corporations are being applied to solve problems facing the nonprofit marketplace. The changing consumer attitudes in America and decreasing financial resources have caused many institutions to turn to marketing as a solution.


  • Nonprofit 市场营销 can involve social marketing such as the development of a program for getting people to recycle more newspaper, 塑料, 玻璃, 和铝
  • Nonprofit Marketers have a greater opportunity for creativity than most for-profit business organizations
  • 服务 市场营销 activities involve intangible offerings rather than the ownership of tangible 产品s
  • 服务 市场营销 accounts for approximately three-quarters of the gross national 产品 in the United States


市场营销 researchers interact with managers to define problems and identify the information needed to develop decisions. Career opportunities exist with manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, trade & industry associations, marketing research firms, advertising agencies. 市场营销 research requires many different skills: 统计数据, 数据分析, 包括书面和口头交流. 


  • 市场调研是系统的设计, 集合, 解释, and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems or take advantage of marketing opportunities
  • 市场营销研究 involves surveying consumers to determine their habits, 首选项, 和愿望
  • 市场营销研究 relies heavily on computer programming applications, 统计数据, 数据分析


销售行业有很多就业机会. 一些卖仓更侧重于提供信息, while others emphasize locating potential customers and closing sales. 几乎所有的组织都销售. Sales positions can be found in a wide variety of organizations, 包括制造业, 批发, 零售业, 保险, 房地产, 还有很多类型的服务行业. 


  • bc菠菜导航销售是个人化的, paid communication that attempts to inform customers and persuade them to purchase 产品s in an exchange situation
  • Professional Selling often involves building strong and lasting relationships with customers
  • Professional Selling places the salesperson closer to the customer than anyone else in the company and often provides 买家s with information and 服务 after the sale